
About DitoBus Group

On this page you can read more about DitoBus Gruppen A/S, the various companies below and their specialties.

DitoBus Gruppen A/S

DitoBus Group has three business areas: Coaches, minibuses and public transport bus services.

The three companies

DitoBus Excursions A/S – coaches, VIP coaches. DitoBus Excursions’ customers include travel agents, companies, municipalities, associations, clubs and private individuals. We also provide three patient buses to healthcare provider Region Sjælland.

DitoBus Linjetrafik A/S – public transport buses. DitoBus Linjetrafik has one large customer: Transport company Movia.
Movia is the transport company for east Denmark, and is owned collectively by the municipalities east of the Great Belt plus healthcare authorities Region Sjælland and Region Hovedstaden. Movia plans and prepares tenders for all public service bus transportation in East Denmark. These services are paid for by municipalities and regional healthcare authorities.

DitoBus Servicetrafik A/S – bus services and minibuses. DitoBus Servicetrafik A/S customers include private individuals and transport companies.

DitoBus Gruppen’s ambition is to be one of Denmark’s leading bus operation companies.

The three companies

DitoBus Excursions A/S – coaches, VIP coaches. DitoBus Excursions’ customers include travel agents, companies, municipalities, associations, clubs and private individuals. We also provide three patient buses to healthcare provider Region Sjælland.

DitoBus Linjetrafik A/S – public transport buses. DitoBus Linjetrafik has one large customer: Transport company Movia.
Movia is the transport company for east Denmark, and is owned collectively by the municipalities east of the Great Belt plus healthcare authorities Region Sjælland and Region Hovedstaden. Movia plans and prepares tenders for all public service bus transportation in East Denmark. These services are paid for by municipalities and regional healthcare authorities.

DitoBus Servicetrafik A/S – bus services and minibuses. DitoBus Servicetrafik A/S customers include private individuals and transport companies.

DitoBus Gruppen’s ambition is to be one of Denmark’s leading bus operation companies.

– A part of DitoBus Gruppen A/S