
DitoBus Excursions

Transfers from the airport, transport to the hotel or transport to the conference? In every occasion you need a bus, we can help with our modern tourist buses.

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For personal service call
+45 30 10 20 30

Tourist service for any occasion

We are the preferred partner of many travel agents, companies, municipalities, associations, clubs and private individuals when it comes to holiday trips at home and abroad, day trips, corporate visits, corporate excursions, trade fair visits and transfers.

1-day tours


Business and special driving

Business partner for the travel agencies

We are already the preferred business partner among several travel agencies – large and small. Here we assist with driving at everything from one day trips, transfers, and longer bus journeys abroad.

With more than 60 years of experience and a great modern range of buses we can solve any task. Our approach is based on trust and orderliness – because we want to be the best business partner.

Further information

Choose biodiesel and reduce CO2 emissions

It is very important to us to take better care of the environment and reduce our impact on it. Therefore, you can choose that we should use biodiesel when you drive with us and help ensure that CO2 emissions are reduced by up to 90%.

There are three types of biodiesel:

  • Biodiesel based on fat from plants or animals
  • Biodiesel based on fats from waste
  • Biodiesel based on a wide variety of raw materials
Read our environmental and climate policy

Our buses

We have a modern bus fleet with a very high standard of environmental and maintenance. Our comfortable and modern bus fleet consists of more than 50 tourist buses, which are are all equipped with the facilities expected in a modern bus, including air conditioning, refrigerator, toilet and coffee maker.

Our bus fleet consists of:

  • Tourist buses
  • VIP buses
  • Double-decker buses
  • Large lift buses

Last year, our buses ran a total of 1,150,000 kilometers with approximately 130,000 guests.

See our bus types

Business partner for the travel agencies

We are already the preferred business partner among several travel agencies – large and small. Here we assist with driving at everything from one day trips, transfers, and longer bus journeys abroad.

With more than 60 years of experience and a great modern range of buses we can solve any task. Our approach is based on trust and orderliness – because we want to be the best business partner.

Further information

Choose biodiesel and reduce CO2 emissions

It is very important to us to take better care of the environment and reduce our impact on it. Therefore, you can choose that we should use biodiesel when you drive with us and help ensure that CO2 emissions are reduced by up to 90%.

There are three types of biodiesel:

  • Biodiesel based on fat from plants or animals
  • Biodiesel based on fats from waste
  • Biodiesel based on a wide variety of raw materials
Read our environmental and climate policy

Our buses

We have a modern bus fleet with a very high standard of environmental and maintenance. Our comfortable and modern bus fleet consists of more than 50 tourist buses, which are are all equipped with the facilities expected in a modern bus, including air conditioning, refrigerator, toilet and coffee maker.

Our bus fleet consists of:

  • Tourist buses
  • VIP buses
  • Double-decker buses
  • Large lift buses

Last year, our buses ran a total of 1,150,000 kilometers with approximately 130,000 guests.

See our bus types

Specialist services

Healthcare provider Region Sjælland is also our customer. Since 1993, DitoBus’ specially-designed patient busses have transported patients to and from hospital Rigshospitalet.

Driving hours and rest periods

Compliance with driving hours and rest period regulations must be ensured at all times.

At DitoBus Excursions, we’re aware that what we transport is what’s most precious – you and yours!

Both our managers and our drivers are taught to respect driving hours and rest period regulations under all circumstances – this is fundamental to our company’s philosophy and is the foundation for every trip and holiday which DitoBus Excursions has been involved with.

To many, driving hours and rest period regulations can seem complex because there are a number of exceptions and special cases. The most important rules are outlined here:

  • A driver may drive for no longer than 4.5 hours at a time, after which he/she must hold a break
  • A break is at least 45 minutes in length – though it can be divided into two smaller breaks of 15 and 30 minutes.
  • A driver’s total driving time behind the wheel may not exceed nine hours a day – though a twice weekly 10 hour driving period is permitted.
  • A driver’s working day may last no more than 13 hours, though they are allowed to take a 15 hour day three times a week
  • A driver must hold a daily break of 11 consecutive hours – three times a week a reduced break of nine hours.

A more complete description of driving hours and rest period regulations is available.


DitoBus Excursions A/S – Denmark
CVR number: 31171520

DitoBus Excursions A/S
K.P. Danøsvej 2
4300  Holbæk

Tel.: +45 30 10 20 30


Nordea Bank Danmark A/S
Ahlgade 20-24
4300  Holbæk

Sort code: 2730
Account no.: 8479832057


Iban: DK 7020008479832057

– A part of DitoBus Gruppen A/S